Meet the Tech Knights
We all know how frustrating technology can be. It can be our best friend and our worst enemy. But before you pick up the phone and call Geek Squad just visit Kent State’s Tech at Night Team.
[bbrvideo width=”350″ float=”left” caption=”From 9pm-Midnight most students are starting homework or getting ready for bed. As for the Tech at Night Employees, they are getting ready for work.”]BBR_01A_Klein_TechAtNight[/bbrvideo]
Kent State University’s Tech Support offers students a number of resources for technological problems. One of those resources Tech Support offers is Tech at Night. Tech at Night is a growing resource, designed to help student on campus with any after hour technology problems.
Established in 2010, Tech at Night employs approximately 18 Kent State students every year. Tech at Night is available from 9pm-Midnight and has nine locations on the Kent State campus.

Tech at Night is a growing resource Kent State University offers to all students on campus, but some Tech at Night employees believe most student don’t know the resource exists.
Cassidy Schaufele, a first year employee said, “Last year a lot of people didn’t know about the service and would actually come to me instead of going downstairs to the Tech at Night person.”
As Tech at Night continues to get their name out to more students the chances they do get to help students leave a special feeling in your heart.
“It’s nice to take something that I know and love and apply it to help somebody.”
-Elliott Marks
“It’s nice to take something that I know and love and apply it to help somebody,” said Elliott Marks.
Next time you run into technical issues, do be so fast to call up Geek Squad. Odds are the Tech at Night employees will already be wait for you.