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Author: Isaiah Eaton

Different Paths to take after Graduation

Different Paths to take after Graduation

Graduation is only a couple of weeks out and seniors are figuring out what the next step is after college. Mackenzie Bailey and Will Malthaner are two seniors that are graduating this semester and are taking different paths. Bailey is going to further her education here at Kent while Malthaner is going to land a job through the connections he’s made through his internships. “I’m going into higher ed, so I want to work in a college or university, and…

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The School of Visual Communication Design held their annual BFA Show on April 5th through the 12th celebrating their seniors work over the past 4 plus years. The theme was Command + E which is the shortcut for export on Adobe. The VCD majors used this shortcut term to describe how this show symbolizes the final step before they step into the real world and into their next phase of being a designer. There were many drawings, T- Shirts, and…

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