Keeping Busy for Finals Week
The American Heart Association endorsed April as “Move More Awareness Month” which encourages people to invest their time in exercise in order to lead a healthier lifestyle.

However during this time, college students have their attention fixed more on preparing for final exams rather than focusing on staying fit.
“It’s actually pretty difficult because of studying for exams. I have 5 or 6 exams to study for,” freshman marketing major Oma Durunna said.
Students are under immense pressure to do well in school and it shows as the date for finals week approaches.
“It’s a lot of time that you have to put in to make sure you get the grades that you want where it takes away time from things that you could or should also be doing,” senior biology major Jake Oswald said.

Kent State exercise science professor Jacob Barkley pointed out the health risks amongst students who tend to have sedentary behavior during this time of the semester.
“You can be physically active, but if you sit a lot, you’re at risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes. You’re at greater risk than someone who is regularly physically active and also doesn’t sit much,” Barkley said.
Students may study for long periods at a time in one sitting which can limit the amount of information they actually can retain.
“Over time, executive function will decrease especially if you’re doing something that is very challenging mentally,” Barkley said.
Executive function are various cognitive processes that are necessary in order for one to study and learn.
“Just get up and move away when you’re feeling really stressed out, you know? Go to the gym for a little bit. Or even if you can’t do that, just go for a walk for 10-15 minutes. You will feel better.”
Jacob Barkley, Exercise Science Professor
“Just get up and move away when you’re feeling really stressed out, you know? Go to the gym for a little bit. Or even if you can’t do that, just go for a walk for 10-15 minutes. You will feel better,” Barkley said.
Final exams, for Kent State students, are set to take place from May 6th through May 12th.