DEA Drug Take Back Day
Saturday April 27th Is the Drug Enforcement Agencies Take Back day, a day designed to offer the public a safe place to dispose of expired and unused prescription drugs.
Kent Police Lieutenant, Michael Lewis encourages everyone to take advantage of the drug drop-off box available at the Kent Police Department for a number of reasons. Lewis said,”Leftover drugs if they’re not disposed of properly, they can fall into the wrong hands, there’s potential for abuse, people will sell leftover medications, someone could dispose of them in an unsafe manner, they could even possibly end up in the water supply somewhere, we ask that people not flush those medications down the toilet, that’s not a safe way to dispose of them either.”

The Kent Police department recognizes the need for a box to safely dispose of drugs and has one available 24/7, 365 days a year. The box accepts all donations, with the exception of syringes, for safety purposes.
Although the box is always available, Lewis says a large number of drops-offs come on Take Back Day, due to the campaigns social media presence. He said,“Our drug box is always open, but we tend to draw more attention to it on the national take back day.”

“Our drug box is always open, but we tend to draw more attention to it on the national take back day.”
-Lieutenant Michael Lewis, Kent Police Department
For anyone interested in dropping off un-used prescription drugs, the take-back box is available in the Kent Police Department parking lot located at 301 S. Depeyster St.
Kent, Ohio 44240.