Shift in Deans
The Kent State University College of Communication and information is one of the only colleges within the United States that has such a diverse combination of communication, information and visual disciplines under one Umbrella.
The mission of the college of communication and information is to educate students to meet their specific goals as well as the needs of society.
Throughout the University there is an influx of Deans that look over each specific College of study. They are responsible for Coordinating administrative activities, approving faculty hirings, evaluating faculty performance and creating academic policies and programs.
As I stand here in Franklin Hall “the Hub” of CCI majors, the university is currently in search of a full time Dean for the college of communication and information. The current intern Dean is AnnMarie LeBlanc who earned her masters in Fine Arts from Bowling Green State University. As the search narrows, the two leading candidates are Cathrine A. Luther and Amy Reynolds from LSU.
The search for a full time Dean is in hot pursuit as of January 26, when the major candidates visited the University.
I’m Jake Young for Broadcast Beat Reporting.