Kent State celebrates Earth-Day with Earthfest
Kent State students and its faculty joined together on April 10th to celebrate Earthfest, a celebration of the national holiday, Earth day.
The people of Kent State joined together at campuses Risman plaza to do many activities like play different games and participate in different learning experiences about the environment.

“I learned there is a lot of programs that help the environment and I love the volunteers work” said Kent State student Abdul Albahlo.
The tables at the events and the coordinators of the event for campus want people to be more aware and become interested and involved in environmental issues.
“These kinds of events are so important for us to reach out to our student body and get them involved in nature as well as environmental related issues,” said Melissa Davis, Kent States Horticultural facilities director.
At the event there were different tables where people could go around and learn about each table the event hosted over fifty on and off campus organizations.
“We have a lot of different kind of organization we have about five student groups that are related to sustainability and the work that they do, we also have academic groups for example, environmental studies majors so they are represented here,” Melanie Knowles, Kent State’s sustainability manger said.

Campus will continue to host events through out April 2019 in celebration of what they consider earth month.
“We have two speaker events one is about climate change and the science behind climate change and the other one specifically is about the last one hundred years on the Cuyahoga river,” Said Knowles.