Construction on campus that is taking away parking spaces
On the KSU campus the new building of applied engineering, sustainabiltiy, and technology is currently in the process of being built. TV2’s Pamela Marotta tells us how this new addition to campus is taking away parking spaces for students and faculty members.
[bbrvideo width=”350″ float=”left” caption=”The new technology building is being built but parking spaces on campus have been taken away. “[BBR_Marotta_05_ConstructionAffectsParking[/bbrvideo]
The building of applied engineering, sustainability, and technology is located on Summit Street near the math and computer science building. There are two parking lots for students and faculty members to park in. The capacity of these combined parking lot fits up too 320 cars. Due to the construction of this new building more than half of the these parking spots have been taken away for the time being.
Students at Kent state are struggling to find a parking spot because part of the parking lot has been cut off for construction. KSU student says “I was late to class the other day because I couldn’t find a parking spot.”
Kent State University’s Parking Director Larry Emling says that students are not happy about the reduced amount of parking spaces in that particular lot but there is nothing that he can do. For students that usually park in those particular lots Emling suggests parking in the lot behind the liquid crystal building.

We have a handful of people that are being displaced everyday to some neighborhood lot for the time being.
The two parking lots that are there now are connected, which means you can drive from one lot to the other without leaving the parking lot. Emling says that once the building is complete there will be more parking spaces available but the lots will be separated. This will make it more difficult for students to navigate from one parking lot to another but more spaces will be available and in a more organized way.
Once the technology building is complete there will only be a net loss of 20 spaces, which is not that bad knowing that the parking lots will flow much better for students and staff members at KSU.