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Author: Nuried Hurtado

How dogs and cats could affect consumer behavior based on ads

How dogs and cats could affect consumer behavior based on ads

A new study released in March 2022 suggests that animals, especially dogs, and cats, might affect consumer behavior towards a product or service. According to the study, dogs stimulate eagerness in the consumer, while cats cause cautious behavior in them. This study would help advertisers learn how to apply these stimuli and add animals into their publicity.

Ukraine and Russia War: an expected conflict with unexpected effects

Ukraine and Russia War: an expected conflict with unexpected effects

Ukraine and Russia war was an expected conflict for a long time because of the tension between these European countries. Many western countries reacted and took a position over this conflict and sanctioned these actions. Economic, political, and war studies specialists are concerned about the possible outcome over worldwide society and how it will affect some world powers like the United States. Our own Nuried Hurtado talked to different people in the field, and here is what they said