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Author: Kiara Rodriguez

The government invests more for each inmate than for each student.

The government invests more for each inmate than for each student.

According to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the US spends an average of $31,286 per year on each inmate. In contrast, K-12 schools spend an average of $12,756 per student annually. This means the US spends more than double on each inmate than on each student. The disparity is significant compared to global benchmarks, where the average public education spending per pupil is $15,680 annually.  “The disproportionate impact of the criminal justice system on communities of color is deeply troubling.” Mike Brickner,…

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High on Health: Can marijuana reduce blood pressure? A New Study Examines the Connection

High on Health: Can marijuana reduce blood pressure? A New Study Examines the Connection

With its legalization in many regions, cannabis is becoming an important subject of interest for medicinal and recreational purposes. Its potential impact on blood pressure is one area of interest. Recent research by Alexandre Vallée and his team suggests that cannabis may potentially lower blood pressure, particularly in women. However, caution is vital, particularly for those suffering from medical conditions. “My blood pressure went back to being somewhat low.” -Adelynne Martin The story of Adelynne Martin emphasizes the significance of…

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20% Of Police Shooting Victims Are In The Middle Of A Mental Health Crisis.

20% Of Police Shooting Victims Are In The Middle Of A Mental Health Crisis.

Imagine you are worried about your friend’s mental health and decide to call a hotline and ask for help. What do you anticipate as a response? Do you believe they will give you the necessary resources and equipment to help them? Or would you expect a police officer to force him into a mental health facility? “Consider the scenario in which you visit your mother and say, ‘I’m going to kill myself by slitting my wrists with a knife.’ you…

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