

Health effects everyone, whether that means physically, mentally or emotionally. The DeWeese Health Center on Kent State University campus specifically caters to students with health issues.

I met with Angela Dejulius, the director of University Health Services, and she shared with me many of the issues they deal with at the health center. Dejulius advised me to speak with Scott Dotterer, the office of Health Promotion and Dr. Pam Faser-Singleton,the Chief Psychologist, in addition to speaking with her. In speaking with them, I will be able to get more information about issues at the health center.

Focusing solely on physical health, the main concern this semester is the Influenza season, which is overwhelming Ohio.  All staph at the health center is required to get the flu shot. The health center did most of the promotion for flu shots last semester so everyone would come into the season prepared, but they do still offer them. Thus far, the flu has not been excessive in the Kent area, which could make a good story.

More physical health topics include the Mesils outbreak, frost bite and blood donations. The Mesils has not yet reached Kent, but it would make a good story to talk about the precautions we are taking and what would happen if there were an out break in Kent. According to Dejulius there are a lot of frost bite cases on campus because of students that do not wear appropriate clothing. The blood donations are a good story topic as well, talking about how many students participate and if they’re doing it for the free chipotle that is often offered or for the good of the cause.

A couple mental issues include stimulant abuse and narcotic overdose. Stimulant abuse is mainly seen with Adderoll on college campus’. Dejulius said that this is a topic many people don’t want to talk about, but a huge issue that should be discussed. Heroin overdose has been an ongoing issue that would make a good story.

The Dogs on Campus program is a good story for emotional issues. I have not done a lot of research on this program yet, but Dejulius said that during exam week they do a lot around campus for stressed out students.

Angela Dejulius, my Key Decision Maker, was very helpful to my gathering process. She gave me many ideas that I do not believe I would have thought to cover otherwise. She told me she will keep me updated on story ideas that come to mind.

We got to know a little bit about each other and will be keeping in contact throughout this semester. Overall I am very happy with the outcome of this interview, and excited about covering all of these stories!

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